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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Biblical Nephilim DNA Found in Native Americans

Biblical Nephilim DNA Found in Native Americans

   Haplo X DNA that shows up in North American Indian tribes has been traced back to the hills of Galilee in the Mideast These are the same area that was inhabited by the accounted giants in the Bible known as the Amorites or Nephilim.
   The scientist tried to make the science fit their paradigm and dated Haplo X back to 40,000 BC, yet new research places it as late as 2000 b.C., the same time it is believed that the Nephilim were constructing the earthworks in the Ohio Valley.
   Strangley, Haplo X is found in American Indian tribes that were known to be exceptionally tall, such as the Sioux and Iroquois and were also known for burying their dead in mounds. Coincidence?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Nephilim Giants Discovered in Ancient Egypt

Nephilim Giants Discovered in Ancient Egypt

American Antiquarian 1897
      Flinders Petrie claims to have found a new giant race in Egypt, in his last report he says;
A new race has been found, which had not any object of manufacture like the Egyptians; their pottery, their statuettes, their beads, their mode of burial are all unlike any other in Egypt, and not a single usual Egyptian scarab, or hieroglyph of carving, or amulet, or bead, or vase has been found in the whole of the remains in question. That we are dealing with something entirely different from any age of Egyptian civilization yet known, is therefore certain. That this was not a merely local variety is almost certain, as these strange remains are found over more than a hundred miles of country, from Abydos to Gebelen. Our own work was near the middle of this district, between Ballas and Negada.
    The race was very tall and powerful, with strong features: a hooked nose, long pointed beard, and brown wavy hair, are shown by their carvings and bodily remains. There was no trace of the Negro type apparent, and in general they seem closely akin to the allied races of the Libyans and Amorites. Their burials are always with the body contracted, and not mummified...
      Metal and flint were both in use by these people. Copper adzes show that the wood was wrought, and finely carved bulls' legs to a couch illustrates the work. Copper harpoons were imitated from the form in bone. Copper needles indicates the use of sewn garments and the multitude of spinning-wheels in the town proves how common weaving must have been.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ohio Museum Curator Discovers 8 Foot Human in Burial Mound

 Ohio Museum Curator Discovers 8 Foot Human in Burial Mound

New York Times, August 29, 1932
    Chillicothe, Ohio, May 31 - Ten skeletons were found in two mounds by Dr.Loveberry, curator of the Ohio State University Museum, one that of a giant fully 8 feet tall.  It is the most notable find yet.