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Friday, August 23, 2013

Giant Nephilim Skeletons Unearthed at Antietam, Maryland

Ancient Giant Nephilim Skeleton Uncovered in Maryland

The Salt Lake Herald., November 14, 1897
7 Feet Tall Skeleton, in Maryland 
      There has just been received at the Maryland Academy of Sciences the skeleton of an Indian seven feet tall It was discovered near Antietam ten days ago There are now skeletons of three powerful Indians at the academy who at one time roamed over the state of Maryland armed with such Instruments as nature gave them or that their limited skill taught them to make. Two of these skeletons belonged to individuals evidently of gigantic size. The bones of the legs are nearly as thick as those of a horse and the length the bones exceptional. The skulls are of fine proportions, with walls of moderate thickness but of great strength and situated behind by a powerful occipital ridge,   The curves of the forehead are moderate and not retreating, suggesting intelligence and connected with jaws of moderate development.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Two Giant Skeletons in Unearthed in Lakewood, New York.

Two Giant  Human Skeletons are discovered in Lakewood, New York.

Pittsburgh Dispatch Aug 27, 1891

  Two Human skeletons of giant size were unearthed at Lakewood, N. Y., by workman.  The thigh bone of one was 30 inches long.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Giant Human Nephilim Skulls with Horns Uncovered in Toldeo Ohio

Giant Human Nephilim Skulls with Horns Uncovered in Toldeo Ohio

The Hocking Sentinel. April 28, 1898
     Workmen in the employ of the Ferguson Construction Company excavating for the Toledo and Ottawa Beach Railroad, a little beyond the city limits of Toledo, Ohio, unearthed three skeletons, evidently relics of some great race, as they were about seven about seven feet in length.  Just where the ears should be on the head are singular bony protruberances which curl forward.  The finds were made in solid yellow clay about eight feet below the surface.  The cut is through a large mound, not half of which has yet been torn up.  Severla stone tomahawks of large size have been picked up in the locality.