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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Smithsonian Scientist Uncover Giant Human Skeleton in Illinois

Smithsonian Scientist Uncover Giant Human Skeleton in Illinois

Pictograph found on a bluff overlooking the Illinois River in Pike county, Illinois

12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to
the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1890-1891

(Pike County, Illinois)

No. 11 is now 35 by 40 feet at the base and 4 feet High. In the center, 3 feet below the surface, was vault 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. In the bottom of this, among the decayed fragments of bark wrappings, lay a skeleton fully seven feet long, extended at full length on the back, head west. Lying in a circle above the hips were fifty-two perforated shell disks about an inch in diameter and one-eighth of an inch thick.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Giant Human Skeleton is Uncovered in Browntown, West Virginia

A Giant Human Skeleton is Uncovered in Browntown, West Virginia

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, April 5, 1933
Found in a River Bank - Tomahawk at His Side
Browntown, West Virginia April 5  A remarkable discovery was made by Hary Berry, a teamster, near the wharf landing.  The recent flood had washed away a portion of the bank at that point and exposed to view a  The skeleton, which when dug out of the bank was found to be of enormous size. The skeleton was evidently that of an Indian.  A pipe and tomahawk were found by his side.  The skeleton is in a fair state of preservation and is 14 feet in length.  The skull, jaws, and teeth of the red man were well preserved.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ten Foot Human Skeleton Discovered in an Idaho Cave

Ten Foot Human Skeleton Discovered in an Idaho Cave

Newport Miner, March 17, 1910
Skeleton Ten Feet Long Discovered in Southern Idaho Cave
   BOISE, Idaho, March 14. - Unmoved, unseen and untouched for hundreds of years and hidden in the recesses of a deep cave 25 miles north of Shoshone, Lincliln County in Southern Idaho, is the skeletons of a giant, ten feet tall evidently of prehistoric origin.  It was recently discovered by a hunting party from this city.
corroborated proof the members are now exhibiting the rusty and worn flint lock barrel of what appears to be an ancient gun weighing between 25  30 pounds, resembling a rifle.  This, they say, was picked up beside the skeleton.
   These bones will be taken out of the cave at the earliest possible date and carefully forewarckpa ded to the Smithsonian Institute.