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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Skulls of "Early Man" Discovered in Illinois

Skulls of "Early Man" Discovered in Illinois

Rock Bluff, Illinois skull showing primitive characteristics of a protruding brow ridge and sloping forehead.

Skeletal Remains Suggesting Or Attributed to Early Man in North America: 1907
    The National Museum collection contains a good series of Indian crania obtained from mounds along the Illinois River, with which the Rock Bluff skull can be compared; and there are several skulls from the Albany Mounds, Illinois, in the Davenport Academy of Sciences, which can also be utilized in this connection. These mound crania are certainly not geologically ancient, though they probably antedate the advent of whites into the valley. They show some variety, due possibly to a tribal mixture, but the predominating type is dolichocephalic, having rather low orbits and, in males, strongly developed supraorbital ridges, with narrow, low, and occasionally very sloping, forehead. Mesocephalic forms appear occasionally. With most of these skulls, the Rock Bluff specimen agrees fairly in every essential particular that goes to form a cranial type. Its supraorbital ridges alone are quite equaled by those of no. 4401, Davenport Academy (plate xm, a), and in several other specimens they are closely approached. Were the Rock Bluff skull mingled with the rest of the Illinois River male crania no observer would be likely to single it out as especially remarkable? It agrees with most of them even in color. The peculiarities it presents are well within the scope of individual variation. The following table and illustrations (plate n, h, c) show the resemblances, which are still further strengthened by an examination of the whole series of specimens from the Illinois Valley. In view of the above facts, and irrespective of the wholly unsatisfactory geological evidence, the Rock Bluff skull, though regarded as of a low type, must be classed with crania from the Illinois River mounds, with which it has much in common. The differences are not sufficient to indicate any distinct cranial variety, and the specimen can not properly be regarded as evidence of a geologically early man in North America.

Ohio Hopewell skull, (left) compared with the Oberkassel skull from Europe dating to 10,000 B.C.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Amorite Giants Numerology Codex of Gematria Found Within the Measuerments of Ohio Earthworks

Amorite Giants Numerology Codex of Gematria Found Within the Measurements of Ohio Earthworks

    The two basic numbers of the Gematria numerological codex are 666 for the Sun Father and 1080 that represented the Earth Mother. The Sacred Geometry behind the codex is very simple, the circle represented the Sun and the Square represented the "Four Winds' and the Earth Mother.

5 Earthworks in and around Chillicothe, Ohio, where each side of the squares measured 1080 feet, following the Gematria numerical codex, both numerologically and following the Sacred Geometry of the Earth Mother. These numbers are also found within the measure of the Piketon, Ohio earthworks. More here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Native American Haplo X DNA Traced Back to the Sea of Galilee

Native American Haplo X DNA Traced Back to the Sea of Galilee

   Did the accounted giants in the Bible known as the Amorites come to America? DNA evidence is conclusive evidence that it is true.