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Monday, January 25, 2016

Giant Skeletons Clad in Bronze Armor Uncovered in a Ross County, Ohio Mound

Giant Skeletons Clad in Bronze Armor Uncovered in a Ross County, Ohio Mound

Burial mound in Frankfort, Ohio. “ The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley.” For photos of 121 mounds and earthworks in Ohio see this post

South Kentuckian,  August 21, 1888
     A scientist found an Indian mound, near Frankfort, Ohio, Friday, two gigantic skeletons clad in a curious armor, apparently of bronze. It covered the chest, stomach and legs, and a narrow band was around its forehead. Various devices were rudely worked on the armor. There were no shields and only two small knives. Archaeologists are puzzled at the discovery.