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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ancient Race of Giant Indians Discovered Near Stockton,California

Ancient Race of Giant Indians Discovered Near Stockton, California 

At least 500 skeletons of what College of Pacific archaeologists declare were giant Indians- figuring in many ancient legends - were uncovered along with ancient Indian ceramics, by workmen excavating dirt near Stockton California. 

1932 article  described one of the giant skeletons unearthed in a burial mound near Stockton at 7 foot. The man on the right is holding a very large femur bone. I copied the bone, placed it where is back foot is, and stacked them 4 deep to get an idea of the size of the man that this belonged to. The femur's length is about 25% of the height of a person. Guessing that this man was 5 feet, 8 inches or 68 inches, and the femurs add to about 3 ¼ of that height. At 7 feet, each femur would be 21 inches in length. 3 ¼ femurs would be 68 inches. Looking at the size of the lower femur, it obviously belonged to a pretty robust individual.