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Monday, February 15, 2016

Weapons of the Biblical Nephilim Discovered in North America.wmv

Nephilim? Or Just Really Big and Tall People?

Nephilim? Or Just Really Big and Tall People?

Photo montage of some of the tallest giants in historic times. 

California's Mysterious Nephilim Giant Mummy

California's Mysterious Nephilim Giant  Mummy

    Also known as the Martindale Mummy, it toured the country as an oddity for years before ending up as a roadside attraction in Arizona.  The giant female mummy was originally discovered in 1888 in California's Yosmite Valley.  The giant female mummy is holding a small child that is also mummified.  Is this the remains of North America's ancient Nephilim?

More giant skeletons were found in California than almost anywhere in North America. Their story is told here.