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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Nephilim King Buried With Silver Crown. The Tomb Was Aligned to the Summer Solstice Sunrise

Nephilim King Buried With Silver Crown. The Tomb Was Aligned to the Summer Solstice Sunrise

Bluffton Chronicle, Bluffton, Indiana, October 3, 1894
A Giants Remains Found. Portsmouth, Ohio 

    The skeleton of a man seven feet in height was found under an old oak on Pete Thompson's place, a few miles below this city, in Kentucky. The skeleton evidently belonged to a prehistoric race that threw up the earthworks still visible at that place and known as the "old fort.  A crown of beaten sterling silver encircled the head and there were many other evidences of the princely character of the "deceased". The find is considered a great one as the skeleton's position under the tree proves that it must have been entombed many hundreds of years ago. An exploring party of archaeologists will be on the ground and the details of the discovery will be sent to the Smithsonian Institution."

Friday, April 29, 2016

Nephilim Mass Grave With 12 Foot Giant Discovered In Kentucky

Nephilim Mass Grave With 12 Foot Giant Discovered In Kentucky


Of Prehistoric Race of Giants Unearthed Near Pine Grove Kentucky

Measured 12 Feet.
     Pine Grove, Ky. Nov. 27.-Evidences of a prehistoric race have been uncovered by Hugh Yates, a prosperous land owner of this country, on his farm, a few miles west of here. While excavating beneath a high cliff on his place, Mr. Yates came upon an immense grave containing a human skeleton. The frame was of giant proportions.
     His curiosity aroused, Mr. Yates called in some neighbors, and, armed with picks, they burrowed their way into the side of the cliff and found an ancient sepulcher crowded with human skeletons, some of them larger than the first one. One of the frames measured 12 feet.
     Along with the skeletons were found curiously wrought jewels and strange ornaments, while cooking vessels and musical instruments of queer design were unearthed in great profusion. The diggers are still at work and expect to make even more important finds.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Battleground, Indiana Hunter Constellation Mound Group

Battleground, Indiana Hunter Constellation Mound Group

The only mound group that was constructed to represent a constellation is located in Battleground, Indiana in the northwest section of Indiana. Mounds in this area have been attributed to the Oneoto Sioux.

The largest mound in the effigy group represented the bright star Rigel

These mounds are the line that represent Betelgeuse slightly visible on the left and Bellatrix at the far end.