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Monday, December 17, 2012

Archaeology Finds: Cocaine and Tobacco Found In Egyptian Mummies

Recent Egyptian Archaeologists find that Egyptian Mummies had traces of both cocaine and tobacco in their remains.This could have come from only one place, the America's.  The Egyptians were trading with the Amorite Nephilim who had come to North America as early as 2,700 B.C. to mine the copper out of northern Lake Superior.
Only the American archaeologists could refute and dismiss such findings. This would disprove their Berengia Theory and the legitimacy of their "expert" status.

Giant skeletons, Bible Numerology in Ohio, Identical skull types in Ohio, England and the Biblical Levant 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nephilim Sun Temple Discovered In Dublin Ohio


The Holder-Wright Earthworks as classified by the Ohio Historical Society is located in Dublin, Ohio.  Many more sites in Ohio are "Address Restricted." All directions are in the "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley."  For a sneak pic of the 32 mounds, follow this link  

Another solar

Today, the most visible

A large burial mound was once located in the city of Dublin, but like so many of these antiquities was obliterated.