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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Were Giant Human Skeletons Seized From Rush County, Indiana by the FBI?

Were Giant Human Skeletons Seized From Rush County, Indiana by the FBI?

Skeletons with copper bracelets are diagnostic of the Adena (Beaker People) who were known for their great height.  Historical documents report giant skeletons in Rush County, Indiana's burial mounds. It was reported that the FBI seized several skulls from the property. Did he have the human giant skeletal remains? 

1921, Centennial History of Rush County, Indiana
     Several burial “mounds” formerly were visible in Rush county, particularly in the southern part of the county, but with the clearing of the forests and the cultivation of the soil most of these have been leveled and in some instances are known merely as neighborhood traditions. Years ago there was still quite evident a considerable mound in the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 14, Range 9, in Posey township, that in the time of the early settlement of the county is said to have been 106 feet in diameter and fifteen feet in height and connected by a sort of a ditch with a smaller mound to the northeast. Many years ago the mound was covered with a heavy growth of beech timber, but with the felling of the timber and the yearly plowing of the ground, the monument of a prehistoric people has gradually assumed almost a level with the surrounding land. Back in the ’80s Louis J. Offutt, then owner of the land, dug into the larger mound, near the center, and found parts of several skeletons, copper bands encircling the bones of the arms, wrists and ankles. bone beads and two curiously perforated pieces of jawbone with a single tusk-like tooth. The perforations were cut through the bone into the hollow of the tusk and gave it somewhat the appearance of a whistle, but its purpose was not quite evident to those who examined it. Several other such mounds have been explored in this county with somewhat similar results in the way of unearthing relics of that ancient period. Forty years ago there was such a mound explored on the old Gary farm, also in Posey township, and in that were disclosed numerous bits of pottery, a considerable quantity of beads of a variegated sort and the skeleton of a gigantic man.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Early Race of Giant Neanderthal Hybrids in California

California was the Early Home of an Ancient Race of Giant Neanderthal HybridsWere these the Biblical Nephilim Hybrids?

Concentrated on the coastal and Great Lakes regions of North America are numerous accounts of giant skeletons with "archaic" type skulls that included an protruding brow ridge, sloping forehead and massive jaws.

Boston Globe, June 15, 1922

Giant’s Graves in California

New Race of Men Dug Up, With Stone Implements Unlike Any Others
“Some of the skeletons are those of men measuring no less than 7 feet and perhaps more. Femur bones already sent to the University measure 21 inches in length.”
“The skeletons represent a most astonishing race of people, who probably inhabited this country thousands of years ago,” said Mr. Steinberger. “Some of the skulls are large, with, high forheads and well-rounded, while others are ape-like, retreating from an inch above the frontal bone, with the top of the head flat and with but small space for brain activity.

TheArchaeological Bulletin, Volumes 4, 1955

California Shell Mounds by R. E. Dodge
Near my home in California, about five miles above the city of santa Cruz, Santa Cruz county, and right on the coast is one of the largest shell mounds I have ever seen. It is about 270 feet long and 90 feet wide. How high it has been cannot now be told, as most of it has been removed by poultry men, who used to haul away by the wagonloads. The practice has been stopped by the owner, but some still houl it away.
About ten years ago they were grading the road which runs through here and a skeleton was discovered in a shell mound; a little deeper, more were uncovered, about 35 in all. They were badly decayed and many dropped to pieces when exposed. I have a skull in my possession from this group which is in first class condition; it has a low, recedeing forehead and the teeth are much worn.

About a mile from this spot, while excavating for a railroad, it is reported, the skeleton's of four giants were discovered, buried in a sitting position with their faces to the west. I have never been able to verify this report, excaept I saw one of the skulls in the possession of a man living in Santa Cruz, and it is truly a giant, being fully twice as large as any skull I have ver seen and it is a pity that the whole skeleton, whichb was said to be over 8 feet tall, was not preserved

Boston Globe, June 25, 1922
Giant’s Graves in California
New Race of Men Dug Up, With Stone Implements Unlike Any Others
     Some of the skeletons are those of men measuring no less than 7 feet and perhaps more. Femur bones already sent to the University measure 21 inches in length.”The skeletons represent a most astonishing race of people, who probably inhabited this country thousands of years ago,” said Mr. Steinberger. “Some of the skulls are large, with, high foreheads and well-rounded, while others are apelike, retreating from an inch above the frontal bone, with the top of the head flat and with but small space for brain activity

Thursday, April 3, 2014

8 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Ontario, Canada

8 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Ontario, Canada

Saskatoon Phoenix, August 10, 1921
Huge Skeleton Found in East (Canada)
     While excavating here today, builders uncovered a skeleton, evidently of a powerful man of long ago. Most of the skeleton crumbled to dust. From what was salvaged of the skull, with its massive jaws and teeth, it is certain that there were men of might in those days, possibly eight feet in height. As the skeleton was found in the huddled position used by the Atawandrons when interring their dead, it is presumed that it is that of some Indian warrior.