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Monday, August 8, 2016

8 Foot Giant Excavated in a New York Burial Mound Replicated by Eye-Witness

8 Foot Giant Excavated in a New York Burial Mound Replicated by Eye-Witness

In 1876, a young man accompanied several of his neighbors who excavated a burial mound. What he witnessed would inspire him 62 years later to carve a replica of the remarkable find. Mr. Huntington’s motivation was to recreate exactly what he had witnessed many years ago, using the measurements taken by Mr. Cheney who was present at the dig. The model was built life-size, according to measurements taken by Mr. Huntington when a mound on the Conewango Road was opened. In the background is one of the two busts that he carved based on the measurements of a man who was 8 foot in height and a woman that was 7 foot 6 inches who were removed from the Grave Creek Mound in Moundsville, West Virginia.
The original account of the burial mound was printed in the History of Cattaraugus County, New York in 1879. These county histories featured prominent citizens of the county, whose reputations were beyond reproach. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mass Grave of  200 Ancient Giant Humans Over 9 Feet Uncovered in Toronto, Canada

Picture of the Grand River where the mass grave was found.

 1874 Pioneer Society of Michigan (Ontario Canada)
     We frequently hear of the discovery of the skeletons of a gigantic  (Nephiim) race, and we are therefore the more puzzled to know to what race the mound builders belonged, for although we are called a new country, comparatively speaking, we may be the oldest. A few years ago an article appeared in the Toronto Telegraph stating that in the township of Cayuga in the Grand River, on the farm of Daniel Fredenburg, five or six feet below the surface, were found two hundred skeletons nearly perfect, in a string of beads around the neck of each, stone pipes in the jaws of several of them, and many stone axes and skinners scattered around in the dirt. The skeletons were gigantic, some of them measuring nine feet, and few of them less than seven. Some of the thigh bones were six inches longer that any now known. The farm had been cultivated a century and was originally covered with a growth of pine. There was evidence from the crushed bones that a battled had been fought and these were some of the slain… Were these the remains of Indians or some other race? Who filled this ghastly pit?

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Ool-el-en Canaanite Giants of California's Yosemite Valley

The Ool-el-en Canaanite Giants of California's Yosemite Valley

The word El-en is derived from the Proto-Semitic archaic  meaning "god". Specific deities known as El  include the supreme god of the Canaanite religion, the supreme god of the Mesopotamian Semites in the pre-Sargonic period
Ool is a Semitic word meaning "to turn" it is the root of the Englisn word, "roll."  It was used in ancient times to signify how god turn the fabric of the sky that appeared to turn around the north star.

The Martindale Mummies were discovered 1n 1885 . In California's great Yosemite Valley . A group of miners led by G.F. Martindale found the remains of a woman nearly seven feet tall still holding a mummified child in a cave behind a wall of rock . These mummies are currently the property of Ripley's Museum .

The people Indigenous to the Yosemite region when whites arrived were the Ahwahneechee tribe. Ahwahneechee folklore relates a story of giants called Oo-el-en who came into the Yosemite Valley many years before the white man. The Oo-el-en, like the sitecah of nearby Nevada, were cannibalistic giants who ate the meat of the Indians. Oo-el-en would catch the adults and cut them into bite-size pieces, hanging their meat in the sun to dry into jerky. The legend says that the Ahwahneechees finally killed the giants and burned their bodies [The last of the Ahwahneechee died in the 1940s] reconstruction by Kay Hearle