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Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

8 Foot Human Giant's Mummified Remains Purchased by the Smithsonian

8 Foot Human Giant's Mummified Remains Purchased by the Smithsonian

An unlikely scenario is presented by the Smithsonian of the fraud of the giant mummified remains. First they sent their agents to view the mummy and then purchased it. It was only after it was shipped back to Washington D.C. that they disclosed that it was a fraud.  How likely is it that two prospectors would have had the expertise to assemble a 'life like' mummy that would fool the Smithsonian experts?  What was their motive? 

The Salt Lake Tribune., June 07, 1908
The San Diego Giant.
The mummy of the “tallest human giant who ever lived” was being shown by at the Atlantic exposition while., a number of these Smithsonian scientists were there. They asked
permission to examine It and when consent was given applied their tapes and found that It measured eight feet four Inches from crown to heel. The giant had been found in a cave near San Diego. Cal., by a party of prospectors, according to lo the exhibitor. Over the head were the remains of a leather hood which appeared to have been part of a shroud. Worn teeth were visible in the mouth and the outlines of the ribs were plainly seen through the skin. The elongated, emaciated body stood erect In a great, narrow coffin, ten feet long. The exhibitor agreed to sell it for $500 to the Smithsonian, which dispatched Mr. Lucas to the scene with, Prof. W. J. McKee. A piece of the giant’s dried skin was removed and when tested In the chemical laboratory of the Smithsonian was found to be gelatine. Professor McKee Is shown on the left of the giant, In the accompanying picture, and the exhibitor who was perfectly Innocent of the fraud, Is shown on Its right. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Giant Neanderthal Looking Skull is Discovered in New Jersey

A Giant Neanderthal Looking Skull is Discovered in New Jersey

One of the characteristics of the giant skeletons found in North America is their "archaic" type skulls that included a furrowed brow, a sloping forehead and a massive jaw.

The History of Cape May New Jersey, 1897
Neanderthal Giant Exhumed in New Jersey
      A skull was exhumed which must have belonged to one of great age, as the sutures were entirely obliterated and the tables firmly cemented together. From the superciliary ridges, which were well developed, the frontal bone receded almost on a direct line to the place of the occipital and parietal sutures, leaving no forehead and has the appearance of having been done by artificial means, as practiced at present on the Columbia among the Flat Heads. A jaw-bone of huge dimensions was likewise found, which was coveted by the observer; but the superstitions of the owner of the soil believing it was sacrilegious and that he would be visited by the just indignation of Heaven if he suffered any of the teeth to be removed, prevailed on us to return again to its mother earth.