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Thursday, January 2, 2014

8 Foot Giant Human Petrified Remains Discovered in Connecticut

8 Foot Giant Human Nephilim's Petrified Remains Discovered in Connecticut

The Evening Times., September 16, 1897
Italian Laborers Unearth a Stone Man Eight Feet long. 
     New Haven, Conn., Sept. 16. Two Italians, while digging yesterday on the premises of Deputy Sheriff Arthur Plumb, near Trumoull Church, dicovered a petrified giant. Before Plumb lived upon the place it was occupied by Birdseye Plumb, who died many years ago. He used to tell his children of a giant named Christian Peterson, a Swed, who died 150 years ago. When the petrified giant was unearthed the traditions of the old town were recalled, and Sheriff Plumb says that this stone giant Is no doubt the petrified remains of Christian Peterson sheriff f Plumb said he would present the stone figure to the Fairfield Historical Society.