google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Ancient Giants: Giant Skeletons Discovered at the Etowha, Georgia Mound Site

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Giant Skeletons Discovered at the Etowha, Georgia Mound Site

The Etowah Georgia Giants

The New York Times  April 5, 1886

     Cartersville, Ga., April 4. - The water has receded from the Etowha Mound Field, and has left uncovered acres of skulls and bones.  Some of these are gigantic.  If the whole frame is in proportion to two thigh bones that were found, their owners must have stood 14 feet high.  Many curious ornaments of shell, brass and stone have been found.  Some of the bodies were buried in small vaults built of stone.  The whole makes a mine of archaeological wealth.  A representative of the Smithsonian Institution is here investigating the curious relics.