google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Ancient Giants: The Swastika Symbol Traces the Migration of the Nephilim Giants From Jordan to the Ohio Valley

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Swastika Symbol Traces the Migration of the Nephilim Giants From Jordan to the Ohio Valley

The Swastika Symbol Traces the Migration of the Nephilim Giants From Jordan to the Ohio Valley

The swastika was used as a Yin Yang symbol by the Nephilim Amorites who spread the symbol across the globe. The cross of the swastika represents the 4 winds and the Earth Mother, while the bars at the end of the cross represent the movement of the sun.  The map shows the distribution of the swastika is a template to the movements of the Amorite metal traders as they spread across the globe from Jordan, across Europe to the British Isles and on to the Ohio Valley.