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Showing posts with label Pennsylvania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pennsylvania. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pennsylvania Doctor Measures a Giant from a Burial Mound at 8 feet 2 inches

Pennsylvania Doctor Measures a Giant from a Burial Mound at 8 feet 2 inches

History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1878

      In 1822, while digging a cellar on the farm of Gen. McKean, the excavation came to what was a supposed to be “an impenetrable rock, but striking it with a crowbar, it gave forth a hollow sound.” They redoubled their efforts, and at last the stone broke and fell into a vault. And now, with visions of long-buried treasure flitting through their minds, they carefully removed the earth from the arch, speculating the while as to the probable extent of the “treasure trove” and the amount of salvage the general would be likely to claim. On removing the cap they found “not what they sought” but a sepulcher. A careful examination of the sarcophagus revealed it flagged at the bottom, the sides artistically built up, and a flat stone laid on the top. The sarcophagus measured nine feet in length, two feet six inches in width, and two feet deep. In it was found a skeleton, measuring, as it lay, eight feet two inches in length (this measurement was made by Dr. Williams, late of Troy, now deceased). The teeth were sound, but the bones were soft and easily broken. There were two of these sepulchers within the space of the cellars, one of which had a pine growing over it three feet in diameter.

                                                                   You Want This Book

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Giant Human Skeletons Discovered and Reported in Newspapers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota

Giant Human Skeletons Discovered and Reported in Newspapers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota

Hundreds of newspapers printed stories about locals finding giant skeletons in burial mounds. In most cases this was before AP or other agencies that allowed stories to be printed nationwide. 
From the coastal regions the Giant human Nephilim of the Maritime archaic moved west in to the Great Lakes region.  Giant skeletons were found in large numbers in the State of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylavania giant skeltons discovered with horns protruding from their  heads.  Numerous accounts of these horned giants can be found here  The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants

These giant humans were discovered at reported by a sitting judge in Pennsylvania.

Many giant skeletons were uncovered with Neanderthal looking skulls with protruding brow ridges, sloped foreheads and massive jaws.  Hundreds of historical accounts of these strange humans are documented in The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants in North America

Many burial mounds and large skeletons were found in modern cemeteries that were located on the first high ground outside of town, usually next to a creek or river.

At 11 foot this would be the largest giant skeleton found in the Great Lakes region.

Caves in Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky were commonly filled with skeletons, may of which were of giant size.

Indiana has the second most giants discovered within its borders, second only to Ohio. Read all of the accounts of giant skeletons found in Indiana Here

This find was in Henry County, Indiana where other giants were found.  It was the home of a henge (Sun Temple) earthwork complex.

Illinois was also a hotbed for the ancient race of giants with numerous historical accounts of finds.
Read all of the accounts Here

Giant skeleton was found in Alton, Illionois.

Giant skeletons were found the extent of the State of Illinois, this find was along the Illinois River.

This is another Neanderthal hybrid that were found in great numbers in the Great Lakes region.

Numerous giants found in the State of Wisconsin making it one of the most "giant rich' States. Read all of the historical accounts if giant human in Wisconsin here.  The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants in North America

A rare cave burial in Minnesota where giant human skeletons were discovered.

The state of Minnesota was heavily populated by the ancient giant race as shown by the number of skeleton found.

Discover the hundreds of giant humans skeletons discovered in the Great Lakes region of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota,

Friday, January 17, 2014

11 Foot Giant Human Remains at Circular Earthen Fort in Erie County, Pennsylvania

11 Foot Giant Human Remains at Circular Earthen 

Fort in Erie County, Pennsylvania

History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1884 
     On the John Pomeroy place, upon the second flat of Conneaut Creek, are the traces of an ancient mound, such as exist in Girard, Springfield, Harbor Creek, Fairview, Wayne, and other townships of the county. It is circular in form, inclosing about three-fourths of an acre. The embankment, when the country was cleared up, was about three feet high by six feet thick at the base, with large trees growing upon it. One of these trees, a mammoth oak, when cut down, indicated by its rings an age of five hundred years. Beneath the tree the skeleton of a human being was taken up which measured eleven feet from head to foot, the jawbone easily covered that of a man who weighed over 200 pounds, and the lower bone of the leg, being compared with that of a person who was six feet four inches in height, was found to be nearly a foot longer. Another circle of a similar character existed on the Taylor farm-now owned by J. L. Strong

Friday, May 3, 2013

Giant Human Skeletons Unearthed at Monongahela City, Pennsylvania

Giant Human Skeletons Unearthed at Monongahela City, Pennsylvania

McKee’s rocks, burial mound where large skeletons were unearthed

Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology 1898-99 
On the upper terrace, within the corporate limits of Monongahela City, are situated the garden and greenhouse of Mr. I. S. Crall. Two ravines on the east and west sides open directly south into Pigeon Creek, and their erosion has lowered the ground until it is surrounded by higher land on every side except along the bluff next to the creek. The further side of the creek being bounded by a high hill, the pass looking up the river, thus the tract is surrounded on every side by hills close at hand, ranging from 40 to 250 feet above its level. In excavating for foundation walls and other purposes, Mr. Crall has, at different times, unearthed skeletons of large size: the ground is strewn with mussel shells, flint chips etc.
On the eastern side of this levee, near the break of the ravine, and close to a never- failing spring, stands the largest mound above the one at McKee’s rocks, measuring
9 feet in height by 60 feet in diameter at the center a hole measuring 3 feet across the top and 2 feet into the original soil. In this were fragments of human bones too soft to be preserved. They indicated an adult of large size. The gray clay was unbroken over this hole. Directly over this, above the clay and resting upon it, were portions of another large skeleton, with which was found part of an unburned clay tube or pipe.