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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ancient Giant Human Remains Discovered Along Arizona's Verde Railroad

Ancient Giant Human Remains Discovered Along Arizona's Verde Railroad

The New Sentinel, April 19, 1926
  A prehistoric graveyard on Sycamore Creek, where the grade of the Verde railway passes through, has been uncovered by a crew of laborers under the direction of Conductor C.W. Corbin, in performing certain excavations to improve the roadway.
    There has thus been revealed a very interesting situation that prevailed at some time or another, in the physical make-up of a race is reflected in the massive remains that have been recovered, and which are indisputable of a giant type of humanity that is bewildering to those of this generation.  The skull of a human is in the possession of Mr. Corbin together with a portion of the frame that would indicate one who in life must have attained a height of at least 8 feet.  The sides of the face have been severed, but when placed in their natural postion, on the head of the living they were so massive as to shield the features like unto a perfect mask.  The bones of the legs likewise are of greater length and heavier than any today.
   That a prehistoric burying place has been determined is proven in the finding of a handful of beads, which archaeologists trace to the Toltec period.  These precious ornaments were kept by the Mexican laborors, and cannot be secured.  Mr. Corbin, however, verifies the discovery made, and at the time did not appreciate what their possession meant, else would have secured the lot.
     The mammoth skeleton was a duplicate of that discovered some months ago by Peter Marx on Walnut Creek, which the owner retains in his possession

Giant Skeletons Discovered in Stone Vaults at Etowha Mounds

 Giant Skeletons Discovered in Stone Vaults at Etowha Mounds

The New York Times  April 5, 1886
Carterville, Ga., April 4. - The water has receded from the Etowha Mound Field, and has left uncovered acres of skulls and bones.  Some of these are gigantic.  If the whole frame is in proportion to two thigh bones that were found, their owners must have stood 14 feet high.  Many curious ornaments of shell, brass and stone have been found.  Some of the bodies were buried in small vaults built of stone.  The whole makes a mine of archaeological wealth.  A representative of the Smithsonian Institution is here investigating the curious relics

Monday, May 13, 2013

Human Sacrifice and a Giant Skeleton at Charleston West Virginia Burial Mound

Human Sacrifice and a Giant Skeleton at Charleston, West Virginia Burial Mound
Dunbar Mound in Charleston, West Virginia

Adena burial mound located in Shawnee Park, in Dunbar, West Virginia.

The Kanawha Spectator, Vol. I, 1953
     “The excavations made inthe Dunbar mound revealed it to be a double storied structure. The exploration was made by first sinking a vertical shaft through the center of the mound, down to and slightly below the original surface of the ground. This mound was about 175 feet in diameter and 35 feet high-as high as a modern three-story house. Within the mound were found successive layers of skeletons, some of them sepulchered in a stone vault, and those nearer the bottom in a large wooden vault. Some of the beams of the latter were of walnut, and were 12 inches in diameter.
“About half way down to the bottom the earth was mixed, for a depth of three or four feet, with ashes. One skeleton, still enclosed in a coffin made of bark, was in a better state of preservation than the others.
“Within the large wooden vault, near the bottom layer of earth, lay the principle figure, a huge skeleton measuring seven and a half feet in length and nineteen inches between the shoulder sockets. This figure lay prone, the head pointing toward the east. Around this skeleton were four others. Dr. Hale, who watched some of Colonel Norris’ excavations, states that the irregular positions of these four skeletons indicated that they had been placed in a standing position, at each of the four corners; and that their irregular heaps suggested to some who saw them ‘the possibility that they may have been buried alive, toaccompany their great chief to the happy hunting grounds and land of spirits.’”

Criel Mound positioned between two henges that were 666 feet in circumference. The sacred via is aligned to the winter solstice sunrise and the summer solstice sunset.

Photo from 1909 where the sacred via that led to the Kanawha River can still be seen.