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Thursday, January 2, 2014

8 Foot Giant Human Petrified Remains Discovered in Connecticut

8 Foot Giant Human Nephilim's Petrified Remains Discovered in Connecticut

The Evening Times., September 16, 1897
Italian Laborers Unearth a Stone Man Eight Feet long. 
     New Haven, Conn., Sept. 16. Two Italians, while digging yesterday on the premises of Deputy Sheriff Arthur Plumb, near Trumoull Church, dicovered a petrified giant. Before Plumb lived upon the place it was occupied by Birdseye Plumb, who died many years ago. He used to tell his children of a giant named Christian Peterson, a Swed, who died 150 years ago. When the petrified giant was unearthed the traditions of the old town were recalled, and Sheriff Plumb says that this stone giant Is no doubt the petrified remains of Christian Peterson sheriff f Plumb said he would present the stone figure to the Fairfield Historical Society.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Graveyard of Ancient Giant Humans Excavated in Los Angeles, California

Graveyard of Ancient Giant Humans Excavated in Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Times, May 6, 1934
    Skeletons of prehistoric giants were found when a sand pit was excavated near this city. The workers uncovered forty well-preserved skeletons averaging seven feet in height and many primitive stone implements. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Large Sioux Indian Skelelton Uncovered in Burial Mound in Southern Illinois

Large Sioux Indian Skeleton Uncovered in Burial Mound in Southern Illinois

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894
     On the spur of the ridge upon which the Welch mounds of Brown county, hereafter noticed, are situated and about midway between them and Chambersburg, in Pike county, is a group of circular mounds, possibly the work of another people than those who built the effigies. They are mainly on the farm of Mr. W. A. Hume, who assisted in opening eight of them, of which but two are specifically noticed here...

   The other, situated on the point of a commanding bluff, was also conical in form, 50 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. The outer layer consisted of sandy soil, 2 feet thick, filled with slightly decayed skeletons, probably Indians of intrusive burials. The earth of the main portion of this mound was very fine yellowish sand which shoveled like ashes and was everywhere, to the depth of from 2 to 4 feet, as full of human skeletons as could well be stowed away in it, even to two and three tiers. Among these were a number of bones not together as skeletons, but mingled in confusion and probably from scaffolds or other localities. Excepting one, which was rather more than seven feet long, these skeletons appeared to be of medium size and many of them much decayed