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Friday, February 26, 2016

Salina Kansas Nephilim Burial Pit and Tourist Attraction

Salina Kansas Nephilim Burial Pit and Tourist Attraction

The Giant's Burial Pit was also known as Salina's Indian Burial Pit. Many of the skeleton were reported to be six and seven feet tall. The skeletons were a tourist attraction, located near Salina, Kansas from 1936 to 1989. The Indian Burial Pit was covered and sealed with concrete by the State of Kansas at the insistence of the Pawnee Indians of Oklahoma, in 1990.

Miami daily News (Miami, Oklahoma) October 11, 1936
Ancient Burial Ground is Found in Kansas

Salina, Kas., Oct – (AP) – Discovery of an Indian communal burial ground believed to contain the remains of a tribe that roamed the plains of central Kansas more than 50o0 years ago, has been made five miles east of here by Guy T. Whiteford, policeman-archaeologists. Whiteford said he already has excavated 27 skulls and three complete skeletons, one of which he asserted was seven feet tall. The position of burial and ornaments found near the remains indicated the body was that of a chief, he said.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Photo Tour of Ancient Fort Wayne, Indiana 200 B.C. - 800 A.D.

Mass Grave of Ancient Dwarf Skeletons Discovered in Coshocton County, Ohio

Mass Grave of Ancient Dwarf Skeletons Discovered in Coshocton County, Ohio

The skeletons were described as having triangular skulls with no similarities to the other skeletons found in the burial mounds in the county.

Centennial History of Coshocton, County Ohio  1909
   The missionary, Zeisberger, noted a hundred and thirty three years ago the numerous signs of an ancient race here.  He referred particularly to the cemetery containing thousands of graves near the mound three miles south of Coshocton.
  The skeletons reduced to chalky ashes, were three to four and a half feet long, smaller than the Indian  or mound skeletons.  These pygmies have led to much conjecture.  Thus far no definite conclusion is recorded in any of the notices of this ancient city of the dead.
   Skulls were described "as triangular in shape, much flattened at the sides and back, though not with the slant-brow of the Flat Head Indians seen in the West. A hole pierced the back of the head.  The bones were displaced, the skull being found with the pelvis, from which it is inferred that the body was dismembered before burial.

     The long rows of graves of the pygmy race at Coshocton were regularly arranged with heads to the west, a circumstance which has given rise to the theory that these people were sun-worshipers, facing the daily approach of the sun god over the eastern hills. In this respect, however, there is no resemblance to the various positions of the skeletons found in our mounds.