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Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Extensive Burial Ground Described below Stone Walls of Mt. Carbon, West Virginia

Extensive Burial Ground Described below Stone Walls of Mt. Carbon, West Virginia

Parts of the stone walls atop of Mt. Carbon are still visible. An extensive burial ground was discovered at the bottom of the Mountain along the Kanawha River.

History and Mystery of the Kanawha Valley, 1898 

 This wall, for two miles or more, faces the river on the front end of the mountain, which is very steep and difficult of ascent, runs up the creek along the bench, thence through a low gap in the ridge to the corresponding bench on the other side of the ridge, facing the other creek, and back again to the river front; in all, some seven or eight miles in circuit; of an irregularly, elliptical shape; with a cross wall dividing the enclosure into two.
    The wall was, originally, six to seven feet in height, and nearly as wide at the base; but, from its great age, and partial disintegration of the stones, most of it has tumbled down; forming — as it were — a winnow of stones on the site of the original wall. Near the center of the enclosure are the remains of what are supposed to have been two round towers, probably twenty or more feet high, and twenty feet in diameter; these, like the walls, are now in ruins. It is difficult to even to conjecture the purpose and use of this curious work, and at such a place. There is, within the enclosure, one spring; a small, but ever flowing stream of water. Along the riverfront, at the base of the mountain, is an extensive burying ground. The mode of burial was peculiar and entirely different from that of the whites, the Indians or the Mound Builders. The bodies were deposited about four feet underground, horizontal from the hips down, and at an angle of about 30° from the waist up, and all facing. the cast.
   This is a significant fact and points strongly to the idea that they may have been sun-worshippers or descended from sun-worshippers. Captain Page carefully examined a number of these skeletons, measuring the bones and facial angles of the skulls, and found that they conformed much more nearly to the white race than to the Indian. There was a pile of stones over each grave, but below the surface; there was nothing on the surface to indicate the existence of a grave. Query? May not these stone piles, and the whole valley thereabout, have been covered by the deposits of the successive floods in the river? just as the Nile Valley is known to be raised two or three inches in a century by the successive annual overflows of the Nile? If this suggestion should be well founded, it indicates that a very long time has elapsed since these graves were made, as the Kanawha does not, like the Nile, overflow its banks every year — sometimes not for many years.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Windover, Florida Skeletons (5,000 B.C.) DNA Determined to Be European According to Dr. Jospeh Lorenze from the Coriell Institute of Medical Research

Windover, Florida Skeletons (5,000 B.C.) DNA Determined to Be European According to Dr. Jospeh Lorenze from the Coriell Institute of Medical Research

This Windover skull was the only one out of 168 to be photographed, because brain tissue was extracted.  Photos of the skulls were omitted from the archaeological reports because that are identical to those of the European Maritime Archaic (7,000 B.C. - 2,000 B.C).  Subsequently the DNA results were European.

    Anyone who watches shows like "Bones" knows that the first analysis of skeletal remains is the racial I.D and the age that can be determined from the skull shape, sutures and teeth. All of this information was omitted from the archaeological report at the Windover archaeological site, near Cape Canaveral, Florida that yielded 168 well preserved bog skeletons.  The archaeological investigation was headed by Glen H. Doran , former chair of the FSU Anthropology Department.  In 2002, five years after the project was finished, he publishes,  a 300 page report on the site, "Windover Multidisciplinary Investigations of an Early Archaic Florida Cemetery." In the report were pictures of all of the tools and fabrics found with the burials along with single photos of every tooth of all 168 people discovered at the site.  Hidden was the exact size of the individual skeletons.  We do know that they were "dramatically taller than historic Indians in that area." So, how tall is that? This isn't relevant to the conclusion? More strange was that there were no pictures of the skulls. 

     DNA studies were conducted on the skeletons, and this too was mired in vagueness that would make a seasoned politician proud.  Professor Doran wrote:  
     “Since the haplogroup frequency distribution of the prehistoric Windover population is unlike that of any known surviving or prehistoric group, they may represent the only demonstrated instance of the recent extinction of a group of Native Americans with no close surviving relatives.” 
   In other words, these are not Native American, even though he calls them that.  Keep in mind that the archaeologists have DNA samples from all known Indiana tribes, and yet, didn't match any of them. A lost tribe? Ancient Atlanteans? Well, if they're not Native Americans, then who could they be?
   Dr. Jospeh Lorenze from the Coriell Institute of Medical Research was doing the DNA study. Instead of giving up or using the archaeologists favorite phrase for subject matter that doesn't fit in their paradigm, "problematical," he dared to look at European DNA sequences and said:
    “I went back to the screen and I looked at the sequences again, the first person’s DNA it looked European. When I looked at the second one it looked European. When I looked at the third, fourth and fifth it was slightly different from the first two but they looked European.” 

The Evidence of the Migrations of the European Maritime Archaic to North America is Here

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Seneca Indian Chief Cornplanter Confirms "War of Extermination" Against Ancient White Inhabitants of Kentucky

Seneca Indian Chief Cornplanter Confirms "War of Extermination" Against Ancient White Inhabitants of Kentucky

Centennial History of Miami County, Ohio 1855
      One Indian tradition averts that the primitive inhabitants of Kentucky perished in a war of extermination waged against them by the red tribes, and the Indian chief Tobacco informed George Rogers Clarke of a tradition in which it was stated that there was a battle at Sandy Island which decided the fate of the ancient inhabitants. Chief Cornplanter affirmed that Ohio, and this local section as well, had once been inhabited by a white race who were familiar with the arts of which they (The Indians) knew nothing. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Discover the Ancient Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Fort Wayne, (Allen County) Indiana

Discover the Ancient Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Fort Wayne, (Allen County) Indiana

Fort Wayne (Allen County), Indiana is rich in prehistoric remains dating as early as 200 B .C.  This a photographic tour of the burial mounds and earthworks that included smaller version of the Sun Temple at Mounds State Park , dating as early as 200 B.C. and a horseshoe shaped fortification dating to 800 A.D.  Two burial mounds can also still be visited within the county.  85 burial mounds and earthworks are still visible within the state of Indiana. See all of the photos and historical accounts in "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley." Yes, many giant human skeletons also found within the burial mounds in the state.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mass Grave of Ancient Dwarf Skeletons Discovered in Coshocton County, Ohio

Mass Grave of Ancient Dwarf Skeletons Discovered in Coshocton County, Ohio

The skeletons were described as having triangular skulls with no similarities to the other skeletons found in the burial mounds in the county.

Centennial History of Coshocton, County Ohio  1909
   The missionary, Zeisberger, noted a hundred and thirty three years ago the numerous signs of an ancient race here.  He referred particularly to the cemetery containing thousands of graves near the mound three miles south of Coshocton.
  The skeletons reduced to chalky ashes, were three to four and a half feet long, smaller than the Indian  or mound skeletons.  These pygmies have led to much conjecture.  Thus far no definite conclusion is recorded in any of the notices of this ancient city of the dead.
   Skulls were described "as triangular in shape, much flattened at the sides and back, though not with the slant-brow of the Flat Head Indians seen in the West. A hole pierced the back of the head.  The bones were displaced, the skull being found with the pelvis, from which it is inferred that the body was dismembered before burial.

     The long rows of graves of the pygmy race at Coshocton were regularly arranged with heads to the west, a circumstance which has given rise to the theory that these people were sun-worshipers, facing the daily approach of the sun god over the eastern hills. In this respect, however, there is no resemblance to the various positions of the skeletons found in our mounds.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mysterious Oil Pits of Titusville, Pennsylavania

Mysterious Oil Pits of Titusville, Pennsylavania

"Pennsylvania Sweet Crude", a golden olive colored oil was extracted from the oil pits. 

History of Venango County, Pennsylvania 1890

Again, the ancient oil pits reach far back of the historic period. They 
are found on Oil creek. These pits are very numerous and bear the mark 
of antiquity. They are generally oblong in form, about four by six feet, and 
from four to six feet in depth, notwithstanding the wear and tear of centuries 
and the accumulation of extraneous matter. The deeper and larger ones have 
been cribbed with timber at the sides to preserve their form. This crib- 
bing was roughly done; the logs were split in halves, stripped of their bark, 
and safely adjusted at the corners. The walls seem to have been so thou- 
oughly saturated with oil as to be preserved almost entire to this day. 

These pits are on the west side of Oil creek, about two miles below Titus- 
ville, and in this county. They cover perhaps five hundred acres of land, 
and there may be in all two thousand pits. In some cases large trees grow 
in the pits and on the septa that divide them, showing their antiquity. 

Not far from the mouth of Oil creek there was another ancient discovery. 
In digging the tail-race for a saw mill there was brought to light what had 
evidently been a deepshaft with its sides lined with timbers set in endwise 
that still preserved the clear outlines of the shaft. All had been buried up 
in the mud and soil that had accumulated over it and where its presence 
might have remained unknown to the end of time, had it not been disturbed 
by the movements of business and American enterprise. 

Only a few lamps have been discovered in the Ohio Valley. 5,000 pits would hint that some of this oil was being exported.

Again the question arises, By whom were these ancient works built? 
Certainly not by the Indians. They had no means of collecting oil on so large a scale. They never labored for any purpose, save on the hunt or the warpath. They could give no account of the work. Neither was it by the French. There is no mention of the business of collecting oil in any of their letters or journals. Besides, there is a growth of timber in these pits, and on the septa that divide them that shows that they antedate the era of the French, if not even the coming of Columbus. Pennsylvania Sweet Crude

The Allegheny river has had several names. The Shawnese Indians 
called it Palawa-Thoriki; the Delawares named it Alligawi Sipu, after a 
race of Indians which they believed had once dwelt upon the stream.
 (The Deleware legend is that the Allegewi were a race of giants)
This tribe were called Alleghans by Golden in the London edition of his work, and 
Lewis Evans, on his map published in 1755, calls the river the Alleghan. 
The Senecas called it Ho-he-u, which name the French adopted, con- 
necting it with the Ohio as the same stream. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ancient Stone Towers Believed to be Cave Entrances in West Virgina

Ancient Stone Towers Believed to be Cave Entrances in West Virgina

The History Of Fayette County, West Virginia  1926 

Ancient Stone Walls of West Virginia

"Near the summit of the mountain dividing the waters of Loup and Armstrong creeks, in Fayette county, West Virginia, there is found the remains of a very remarkable stone wall, which was well known by the first white settlers in the Kanawha valley, and to the Ohio Indians who passed along this route in hunting and other expeditions, toward the valley of Virginia, where, according to their legends, the buffalo migrated periodically from the Ohio valley, and further west.

Stone Towers Along the Stone Wall Marks the Entrance to a Cave
    A recent visit by the writers of this history finds the wall but little, if any, changed since the visit of Captain Page about fifty years ago.  Two things, however, they did discover - one, a great stone in the center of the enclosure which was probably the throne of the chieftain of the race or the sacrificial altar of the strange people whose beginnings and end are lost in the mists of antiquity.  The other disclosure was that the tower on the outside of the wall apparently covers the entrance to a cave, and the supposition is that the tower on the inside serves a like purpose.  Were these people, then, cave dwellers?  To what depth does the ancient passageway beneath the stones lead?  What would one find therein?  These questions we leave for the more intrepid to answer.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ancient Caucasians Mummies Found in Tennessee Cave

Ancient Caucasians Mummies Found in Tennessee Cave

It happens that few baskets have been recovered from mounds and graves, but they are occasionally reported as having been discovered in 

caverns and shelters where conditions were especially favorable to their preservation. Such specimens may as reasonably be attributed to the mound-building as to the other Indians. The following statement is from John Haywood:

On the south side of Cumberland river, about 22 miles above Cairo, * * * is a cave * * *. In this room, near about the center, were found sitting in baskets made of cane, three human bodies; the flesh entire, but a little shrivelled, and not much so. The bodies were those of a man, a female and a small child. The complexion of all was very fair, and white, without any intermixture of the copper colour. Their eyes were blue; their hair auburn, and fine. The teeth were very white, their stature was delicate, about the size of the whites of the present day. The man was wrapped in 14 dressed deer skins. The 14 deer skins were wrapped in what those present called blankets. They were made of bark, like those found in the cave in White county. The form of the baskets which inclosed them, was pyramidal, being larger at the bottom, and declining to the top. The heads of the skeletons, from the neck, were above the summits of the blankets.[10]