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Showing posts with label Caucasians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caucasians. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2015

DNA Results Are In: Florida's Ancient Bog People Were European

DNA Results Are In: Florida's Ancient Bog People Were European

The Windover Archaeological Site is an Maritime Archaic ( 5000 BC) archaeological site discovered near Titusville, Florida, USA, on the central east coast of the state. Windover is a muck pond where skeletal remains of of over 100  were discovered.. DNA from the brain tissue has been sequenced. Windover Pond represents the largest finds from the Archaic Period.
The DNA evidence has proven that the first peoples to inhabit the Americas were the Europeans.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ancient Caucasians Mummies Found in Tennessee Cave

Ancient Caucasians Mummies Found in Tennessee Cave

It happens that few baskets have been recovered from mounds and graves, but they are occasionally reported as having been discovered in 

caverns and shelters where conditions were especially favorable to their preservation. Such specimens may as reasonably be attributed to the mound-building as to the other Indians. The following statement is from John Haywood:

On the south side of Cumberland river, about 22 miles above Cairo, * * * is a cave * * *. In this room, near about the center, were found sitting in baskets made of cane, three human bodies; the flesh entire, but a little shrivelled, and not much so. The bodies were those of a man, a female and a small child. The complexion of all was very fair, and white, without any intermixture of the copper colour. Their eyes were blue; their hair auburn, and fine. The teeth were very white, their stature was delicate, about the size of the whites of the present day. The man was wrapped in 14 dressed deer skins. The 14 deer skins were wrapped in what those present called blankets. They were made of bark, like those found in the cave in White county. The form of the baskets which inclosed them, was pyramidal, being larger at the bottom, and declining to the top. The heads of the skeletons, from the neck, were above the summits of the blankets.[10]