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Showing posts with label earthworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earthworks. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Portsmouth Earthwork Constructed as a Portal to the Afterlife

Portsmouth Earthwork Constructed as a Portal to the Afterlife

Solar and stellar alignments are the discovery of Gregory Little. Cygnus is easily recognized as a giant bird. The bird is believed to represent the transition of the soul from this world to the next. Orion's Belt was also seen as a bird by the Lakota Sioux. There is plenty of precedent for number three in conjunction with Orion. The Adena (Alligewi) most often constructed their burial mounds in groups of three. The number three having some dynamic in this transition of the souls. At Fort Hill, there were 33 gateways and at the Serpent Mound the body bends three times, the coil of the tail circles three times and the Serpent itself points to the confluence of three creeks.

Three mounds from Ross County, Ohio placed in a triangle. The number three and its relationship with the transition of the soul in the afterlife may have its origins with Orions Belt. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Nephilim Giant's Babylonian Gematria Numerology and the Ohio Earthworks: Origins of 666

Nephilim Giant's Babylonian Gematria Numerology and the Ohio Earthworks: Origins of 666 

The Biblical Nephilim were known as the Amorites controlled Babylon from 2000 B.C. to 1600 B.C. They developed a numerology codex called Gematria with the core numbers of 666 to represent the Sun and 1080 to represent the Lunar or Earth Mother. By 1600 B.C. the Amorites were being pushed out of the Levant by the Hittities while the Celts were invading their colonies in England. The survivors flee to their western outpost in North America where they were mining copper. They constructed henges or Sun Temples in the Ohio Valley utilizing Gematria numbers of 666 and 1080. Thus giving credence to the Biblical quote in Genesis 11:1 'Now the whole world had one language."

Friday, February 26, 2016

Discover the Ancient Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Fort Wayne, (Allen County) Indiana

Discover the Ancient Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Fort Wayne, (Allen County) Indiana

Fort Wayne (Allen County), Indiana is rich in prehistoric remains dating as early as 200 B .C.  This a photographic tour of the burial mounds and earthworks that included smaller version of the Sun Temple at Mounds State Park , dating as early as 200 B.C. and a horseshoe shaped fortification dating to 800 A.D.  Two burial mounds can also still be visited within the county.  85 burial mounds and earthworks are still visible within the state of Indiana. See all of the photos and historical accounts in "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley." Yes, many giant human skeletons also found within the burial mounds in the state.

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Watchers Teach the Nephilim the 'Secrets" as Revealed in Ohio's Earthworks

The Watchers Teach the Nephilim the "Secrets" as Revealed in Ohio's Earthworks

In the Ohio Valley are earthworks that could have only been constructed with the knowledge of pi and square roots of numbers, such as this square circle in Circleville, Ohio. Other earthworks complexes as Newark, Ohio could have only been constructed with a knowledge of advanced trigonometry. In the Book of Enoch, it is written that these "secrets" were given to the ancient giant race by the Watchers.

Araquiel: Taught men the signs of the earth

Baraqijal: Taught men astrology

Kokabel: Taught the science of constellations

 Sariel: Taught men the course of the moon.

 Shamshiel: Taught men the signs of the sun.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Biblical Gematria Numerology Discovered in Indiana's Ancient Earthworks

  Biblical Gematria Numerology Discovered in Indiana's Ancient Earthworks 

The two core numbers of the Gematria numerical codex are 666 and 660 for the Sun and 1080 for the Earth Mother.  These two numbers are evident at the Winchester, Indiana earthwork along with another earthwork a few miles away that was constructed to be numerically harmonic.

The east-west walls of the Winchester, Indiana earthwork was 1320 feet or 660 X 2. The western gateway was aligned to the Summer Solstice sunset with the eastern gateway aligned to the Winter Solstice sunrise.

A few miles away from Winchester is the Fountain City earthwork that was 780 feet per side. The unique length of this work was a mystery until compared to the length of the east - west walls of the Winchester earthwork.  1320 - 780 = 540.  540 X 2 = 1080.  More on how these numbers appear in the measure of the Piketon, Ohio earthworks

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Gigantic Nephilim Male Buried with Wife and Child is Unearthed in A Clark County, Ohio Burial Mound

A Gigantic Human Skeleton is Unearthed in A Clark County, Ohio Burial Mound

Location of burial mounds and earthen enclosures in Clark County, Ohio.  The giant human skeletons was unearthed in the burial mound in Harmony Township.

20th Century History of Springfield and Clark CountyOhio by Hon. William A. Rockel Chicago: Biographical Publishing Co., 1908

Mr. Altick and Mr. Cusick began excavations at the summit of the mound, where a perpendicular shaft was sunk eight feet square, and one foot from the surface in the black leaf mold they found a complete skeleton lying face downward, in horizontal position ; however, the bones crumbled when they were lifted from the earth. They excavated another six inches, carefully removing the sand and gravel in order not to injure any deposit they might find ; the material removed was screened so that small objects would not escape their notice, and here they came across another skeleton lying face upward, with only six inches separating them. It lay in a sandy mixture, and was in a better state of preservation than the first skeleton, and while due precaution was taken in removing it, the bones crumbled as they handled them. The shaft was then sunk eighteen inches deeper when three more skeletons were unearthed; they were in excellent condition, the bones being firm and hard, due to the greater depth at which they found them. One was the skeleton of a female, one was a child and the other was a male of gigantic stature. As a matter of comparison, Altick held up the femur of the male skeleton by Cusick's leg, and it extended eight inches below his knee; he is six feet in height. The ribs of this skeleton had petrified to a grayish slate color, but none would withstand the contact with the air. When the shaft on this mound was three feet deep, the two amateur antiquarians enlarged it by sending out a lateral to the north, and they found a skull through which an elm root had penetrated ; it was an inch in diameter, and its fine roots were matted and twisted within this bony enclosure.

 Gigantic human skeletons with a low receding forehead found within a burial mound in Clark County, Ohio.  These "primitive" skull traits are common in the giant skeletons found in Ohio.

   The high cheekbones and low receding forehead were very pronounced; the skeleton was in standing posture, while the others were all in horizontal positions. In all the skeletons exhumed, the most perfectly preserved portions where the teeth; it was a peculiarity of the aborigines that their teeth were worn almost to the maxillary bones, and yet the remarkable thing about them was their excellent condition. No cavities were found, and yet they were the teeth of older persons as indicated by their worn condition. Other skeletons found in this lateral were those of little children, as indicated by the size of the bones and the thickness of the skulls ; some of the bones were from persons of larger stature; at this point the interment ranged in depth from one foot and a quarter to four feet. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Tour of the Nephilim Giant's Tombs in the Ohio Valley.

A Tour of the Nephilim Giant's Tombs in the Ohio Valley.
   Hundreds of giant human skeletons were unearthed in the burial mounds in the Ohio Valley.  Take a visual tour of a few of the extant burial mound and earthwork sites that  once held the remains of the Nephilim giants.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered Near Muncie, Indiana

9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered Near Muncie, Indiana

Quarterly Magazine Now and Then, 1888 

The Muncie Daily Times a year or two ago stated that "One of these mounds located three 

miles from Muncie was opened not long ago and found to be a sepulchral mound and 

contained the skeleton of a man who in life must have been a giant, at least nine feet high." 

This "Big Indian Story" would be hard to believe if giants about as great in stature did not 

exist in recent times.