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Friday, October 21, 2016

Giant Skeletons with Double Rows of Teeth Uncovered in Wisconsin

Giant Skeletons with Double Rows of Teeth Uncovered in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Decatur Republican (Decatur Iowa) January 13, 1870

Wonderful Discovery
Skeletons of a giant race found near Potosi
From Dubuque Times, Jan. 5.
      The evidence appears to be pretty well settled that this whole western country was once inhabited by a race of beings of gigantic stature, who were not only hard working, industrious fellows, but well up in the fine arts. What their laws, institutions and code of morals consisted of, we shall never know, as printing presses and interviewing reporters were scarce in those days, but from the numerous mounds scattered over the country, which learned …illegibletell us were the works of their hands, it is quite easy to assume that they were heavy on the dig and took much delight in wielding the spade and shovel. They would be useful fellows to have in these days of railroads and canals and its to be regretted that the race died out before the present system of internal improvements commenced.
     From time to time the skeletons of an unknown race have been discovered in the different mounds mentioned, up and down the Mississippi River, the last discovery of the kind being made near Potosi, Wisconsin, a little over a week ago. A young man by the name of Patterson, brother-in-law to S.M. Langworthy, Esq., of this city was engaged with a number of men digging out the foundation of a saw mill, near the bank of the river. In digging out this, it became necessary to remove one of these mounds or tumuli. The workman had descended to the depth of about seven feet, when they unearthed two human skeletons, the bones of which were almost entire, and in a good state of preservation upon taking them out, an accurate measurement was made of the skeletons, which one of them was found to be seven and a half feet, and the other eight feet in length. The jaws of each were filled with double rows of teeth, while the cheek bones were very high and prominent. Under the bones a large collection of arrowheads and strange toys were found, which had evidently been buried with them.
    Strange to state, the workman, instead of preserving these bones, carted them off into the road, and it feared that the great majority are now wasted. It is highly probable that other skeletons exist in the vicinity.
    Mr. Langworthy, we understand, will soon visit that locality for the purpose of preserving the  mound

.All of the Indian burial mounds in Wisconsin can be found Here

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pennsylvania Doctor Measures a Giant from a Burial Mound at 8 feet 2 inches

Pennsylvania Doctor Measures a Giant from a Burial Mound at 8 feet 2 inches

History of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1878

      In 1822, while digging a cellar on the farm of Gen. McKean, the excavation came to what was a supposed to be “an impenetrable rock, but striking it with a crowbar, it gave forth a hollow sound.” They redoubled their efforts, and at last the stone broke and fell into a vault. And now, with visions of long-buried treasure flitting through their minds, they carefully removed the earth from the arch, speculating the while as to the probable extent of the “treasure trove” and the amount of salvage the general would be likely to claim. On removing the cap they found “not what they sought” but a sepulcher. A careful examination of the sarcophagus revealed it flagged at the bottom, the sides artistically built up, and a flat stone laid on the top. The sarcophagus measured nine feet in length, two feet six inches in width, and two feet deep. In it was found a skeleton, measuring, as it lay, eight feet two inches in length (this measurement was made by Dr. Williams, late of Troy, now deceased). The teeth were sound, but the bones were soft and easily broken. There were two of these sepulchers within the space of the cellars, one of which had a pine growing over it three feet in diameter.

                                                                   You Want This Book

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Swastika Symbol Traces the Migration of the Nephilim Giants From Jordan to the Ohio Valley

The Swastika Symbol Traces the Migration of the Nephilim Giants From Jordan to the Ohio Valley

The swastika was used as a Yin Yang symbol by the Nephilim Amorites who spread the symbol across the globe. The cross of the swastika represents the 4 winds and the Earth Mother, while the bars at the end of the cross represent the movement of the sun.  The map shows the distribution of the swastika is a template to the movements of the Amorite metal traders as they spread across the globe from Jordan, across Europe to the British Isles and on to the Ohio Valley.